Winter Seminar 2023 - Programme

Winter Seminar 2023

Interdisciplinary Workshop and Short Study Programme


20-24 February 2023

Széchenyi István University Faculty of Law – Győr, Hungary


People of Europe face numerous local and global challenges, tightly connected with the everchanging relationship of society and technological development. In another context, this relation defines the framework for democratic functioning and affects the quality of democracy. The Winter Seminar 2023 aims to discuss the new frontiers undertaken by the novel Digital Services Act of the European Union, in particular the digital services in 21st century, social media issues (fundamental rights concerns and fake news), disinformation, information society and online gatekeepers, law of big tech companies, data protection, big data, copyrights, cybercrime, cybersecurity, e-democracy, e-governance.


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Agrofeed UNI Győr - Budafok 2025. Január 31. 19:00 - 20:00