Winter Seminar 2024




Digital Society

Law, Business, IT and Governance

Winter Seminar 2024

Interdisciplinary Workshop Conference

21-22 February 2024

Széchenyi István University Faculty of Law – Győr, Hungary

Supervisor of the Seminar

Prof. Peter SMUK,

Dean of the Faculty of Law


Dr. Peter Balint KIRALY,

senior lecturer

People of Europe face numerous local and global challenges, tightly connected with the everchanging relationship of society and technological development. The Winter Seminar 2024 aims to discuss the actual trends of digital society, offering a forum for not only legal scholars, but also representatives of social and economic sciences, information technology and other experts of engineering, who have academic or practical experience in the field of digital services, finance and/or digital challenges in consumer protection.




21 FEBRUARY 2024

9.00-10.00         prof. dr. Smuk, Peter - Introduction

10.00-11.00        Workshop 1 - Digital money - by Király, Peter Bálint

13.00-14.00        Lecture - "State and Governance under the pressure of Digitalization and Crisis" by prof. Stumpf, István

14.00-15.00        Workshop 2 – Digital communication - by Hulkó, Gábor


22 FEBRUARY 2024

10.00-15.00       Conference

13.30-15.00 - Winter Seminar panel


5 APRIL 2024

Submission of Seminar Papers




In person participation: Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences,

H-9026 Győr, Áldozat str. 12. (Hungary)

Online participation: Google Meet link will be communicated in due time.

Information and contact:

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