Felhívás - WINTER SEMINAR 2024


A 2024. évi Winter Seminar célja, hogy megvitassa a digitális társadalom aktuális trendjeit, fórumot kínálva nemcsak a jogászok, hanem a társadalom- és gazdaságtudományok, az informatika és más műszaki szakemberek képviselői számára is, akik tudományos vagy gyakorlati tapasztalattal rendelkeznek a digitális szolgáltatások, a pénzügyek és/vagy a fogyasztóvédelem digitális kihívásai terén. Az eseményre 2024. január 30-ig lehet jelentkezni. A felhívásért kattintson a TOVÁBB gombra!

Call for Applications


Digital Society

Law, Business, IT and Governance

Winter Seminar 2024

Interdisciplinary Workshop Conference

21-22 February 2024

Széchenyi István University Faculty of Law – Győr, Hungary

Supervisor of the Seminar

Prof. Peter SMUK,

Dean of the Faculty of Law


Dr. Peter Balint KIRALY,

senior lecturer

People of Europe face numerous local and global challenges, tightly connected with the everchanging relationship of society and technological development. The Winter Seminar 2024 aims to discuss the actual trends of digital society, offering a forum for not only legal scholars, but also representatives of social and economic sciences, information technology and other experts of engineering, who have academic or practical experience in the field of digital services, finance and/or digital challenges in consumer protection.



- The interdisciplinary seminar offers a workshop forum for students and young researchers.

- The seminar will include a study tour to Money Museum (Budapest), academic lectures, workshop opportunities and conference panels.

- The language of the Seminar is English (conference panels are available also in Hungarian).

- We present certificates of participation and contributions.



In person participation: Széchenyi István University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences,

H-9026 Győr, Áldozat str. 12. (Hungary)

Online participation: conditions and Google Meet link will be communicated in due time.



- Accommodation and meals – at own expense (recommended: main campus student hostel and main campus restaurant at student fares)

- Travel costs and insurance – at own expense


Application deadline: 30 January 2024


Application form: https://forms.gle/9ZHWtS1M2NqoJdyC7

In case you would like to present a conference paper, please visit our conference site and register here too:



The applicants will be informed about the results until 10 February 2024.


Information and contact:

 Join us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/winterseminar/


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